Leony is the new brand of Italian jewelry flaunting designs that are minimalist, punk and goth, featuring 925 sterling silver and hard stones. Creator Pietro Bazzani was born in Torino in 1984. Until he was 18, Pietro lived in the hilly Monferrato countryside nearby. Then he packed up and moved to Milano, where he studied business law. But jewelry attracted his attention more than any law book ever ould. So he began working with his dad, whose mother had started the family jewelry business. Meanwhile, he also earned a master’s degree in fashion management – fashion being another passion at the top of his list. Pietro’s life changed forever. His family background, his passion for street-style fashion and a certain musical esthetic he aspired to, led him to design his first jewelry collection – all hand-crafted, all Italian. While his forbears adorned the respectable bourgeoisie of northern Italy with bon ton jewelrywise, Pietro sought to create a line that smacked of nonconformist rebellion. Artisanal sophistication with a soul anything but soft. You see, Pietro is also a drummer with a passion for ’90s hip hop and the guitar work of Josh Homme from the days of Kyuss. Ergo, his plan: the creation of an all-new, silverfied jolt to a look that’s pun and dystopian.
Leony is the new brand of Italian jewelry flaunting designs that are minimalist, punk and goth, featuring 925 sterling silver and hard stones. Creator Pietro Bazzani was born in Torino in 1984. Until he was 18, Pietro lived in the hilly Monferrato countryside nearby. Then he packed up and moved to Milano, where he studied business law. But jewelry attracted his attention more than any law book ever ould. So he began working with his dad, whose mother had started the family jewelry business. Meanwhile, he also earned a master’s degree in fashion management – fashion being another passion at the top of his list. Pietro’s life changed forever. His family background, his passion for street-style fashion and a certain musical esthetic he aspired to, led him to design his first jewelry collection – all hand-crafted, all Italian. While his forbears adorned the respectable bourgeoisie of northern Italy with bon ton jewelrywise, Pietro sought to create a line that smacked of nonconformist rebellion. Artisanal sophistication with a soul anything but soft. You see, Pietro is also a drummer with a passion for ’90s hip hop and the guitar work of Josh Homme from the days of Kyuss. Ergo, his plan: the creation of an all-new, silverfied jolt to a look that’s pun and dystopian.
Nasce così, nel 2018, Leony, dal nome dell’allora neonata figlia Leonie. Una linea di gioielli dove coinvolgono le passioni di Pietro. In primis la musica, col punk e l’hard core, il cross-over e l’hip hop; poi il cinema, con l’estetica apocalittica à la Mad Max, l’adrenalina punk di Point Break, e gli echi del medioevo fantasy di Games Of Thrones; e poi la moda, con la coolness minimale di brand come Off White e Rick Owens. Il design di Leony è fatto di un minimalismo punk con un tocco gotico: vedi i richiami alle armi borchiate, ai portoni ferrati, alle
minuterie di armature e elmi, agli elementi presenti nell’architettura del Monferrato, terra ricca di leggende, crociati e cavalieri. E infatti, recuperando la simbologia antica,
Leony gioca col magico, grazie all’uso di pietre come crisoprasi, ametiste, malachiti e onici, montate su anelli big & bold.
I pezzi più forti sono gli anelli a punta oversize e con borchia XL: agender e bisex sono dei veri amuleti. Secondo la cristalloterapia, infatti, il crisoprasio dona stabilità e fermezza e attira la fortuna, la malachite infonde forza di volontà e chiarezza mentale, mentre
l’onice è la pietra vulcanica che scherma dalle energie negative e dal superfluo.
L’ispirazione di Leony è infatti mixare un’estetica apocalittica e “No Future” con
l’arte della cristalloterapia, creando qualcosa di potente e dirompente
- come il punk - ma in chiave positiva.
Quasi in un rituale magico di protezione. Un anello che è da portare
come uno scudo, un simbolo di forza, una protezione benefica. Un gioiello da indossare nella battaglia quotidiana, potenziandosi grazie alle proprietà di ogni singola pietra.
Leony si compone anche di catene e collier “filo spinato”, con borchie e
grandi ciondoli – zanne o amuleti – che rappresentano simboli di forza antica.
Tutti i gioielli Leony sono in argento 925.